3 Ways To Prepare Your Home For A Junk Removal Company
Kyle Clark Published on April 3, 2023

When you call a junk removal company, the last thing you should be worrying about is whether your house is ready to have furniture removed, junk removed, debris cleared, etc. Your home is your place of comfort, a place that should alleviate stress, not cause it. We’ve helped countless new, and returning, customers clear their homes!

With that being said, here are 3 ways to prepare your home for a junk removal company:

Junk Bunker Truck - Before a furniture removal job

3 Ways To Prepare Your Home For A Junk Removal Company

1) Ask where the junk removal company plans to park their truck when they get there.

We want to be respectful to your home. If you recently had your driveway sealed, if someone needs to get out of the garage, etc., we don’t want to be in the way. Since we’ll likely be moving large items, like furniture, we do want to stay relatively close to your home. At Junk Bunker, we typically start on the street, but if there’s a better place to park, let us know, and we’ll accommodate you!

2) Let the company know about entry points (driveways, stairs, etc.).

This is a common courtesy that every junk removal company should show, and a great way to communicate with the customer. If there is a certain door you want us to use, or a specific room to avoid, your junk removal company should accommodate your needs. We understand the importance of having privacy in your own home, and we want to respect that!

3) Make sure your junk removal contractor knows where the items to be removed are located in your home.

Every junk removal contractor should have constant communication, so everyone is on the same page in terms of what items will be removed from what room/area. It’s important to know what floor the items are on, if they’re in a crawl space, an attic, etc. Some companies don’t go in attics or crawl spaces! At Junk Bunker we will go to any room requested to make sure your unwanted items are removed!

These are three, simple ways to ensure your junk removal company does a great job, respects your home, and maintains top notch communication with you throughout your job. Clearing your home of junk should be a cleansing process, not only physically, but mentally as well. We want to make sure it’s an all-around positive experience for you, so you can take back your home from the junk, and return to loving your home! If you’re ready to have the junk in your home cleared, give us a call or fill out our free estimate form below, today!